Ich geh jetzt / I go now
Short – 15 min. – Germany – 2K digital – Dolby 5.1 – 2019
A couple prepares to move in together and give birth. In her
childhood home, Paula persuades her father to let go of her, while
Hector sneaks into town to track an old love affair.
Director’s Note
This film is a contemplation on the provisional space we inhabit. All the characters wander between what must be left behind and what must be reached, hoping that something fulfilling awaits them on the other side of the threshold. Every whistle, gesture and silence in the film is marked by this impermanence. „I go now“ is a personal exploration of the fact that all our shared moments are fleeting, and that our time together, no matter how profound, is always, at its core, finite. Learning to accept this—not as a flaw, but as something strangely beautiful— is something to practice every day.

German Film- and Television Academy Berlin (dffb)
Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (RBB)
Stellan Torrn, Kristin Suckow, Lena Reinhold, Michael Kind
Writer, Director, Editor
Oliver Moser
Moritz Friese
Romana Janik
Matthias Petsche
* achtungberlin, Germany, 2019